I know we have Ulster Scots heritage on my dad's side. The Craighead name is prominent in his lineage. There is a long line of Presbyterian reverends who helped settle the country. For one of them, there is an amusing story which I can't accurately attribute right now, but it's about one of these ministerial men not being paid by his congregation. It appears his sermons were so unpopular that Cotton Mather had to strongly suggest (I forget how exactly -- I think jail was mentioned) that the parishioners pay him. They weren't willing to do so voluntarily.
I was talking about my dad regarding this, and he thought maybe this preacher was like the preacher in the movie Cold Comfort Farm, whose sermons are so bleak that they make everyone tremble with fear.
Anyhoo.....the point is, we know we have Ulster Scots heritage. What heritage we didn't know we had was Abkhazian. It shows up on my daughter's Eurogenes K13, and elsewhere as well I do believe.
It's not much -- just 1.8% on the Mixed Mode Population, which could be naming a lot of other influences as well. But I was just looking it up to try to explain it to my daughter. That is when I found this interesting website that notices a similarity between Ulster symbolism and Abkhazian symbolism.
Some great pictures here