Dodecad is like Gedmatch 1.0, but I like the idea that since it is the original, it goes more to the heart of my family's origins.
So after all my tooling about, I am looking at it again.
What interests me is the disparity in Eastern European for CEU versus British. It appears to the about the same percentage as for Scottish. Meaning I think that the immigrants to the British Isles were sort of ushered to Scotland. Someone could correct me if I am wrong.
Mormons supposedly have a high British component, but from the DNA they look a lot more like the Scots. Also, I wonder if having some Scandinavian helps bump up those Eastern European scores.
What percentage of Mo's were Viking? A girl of Mormon heritage from Sweden claims to know she "is a Viking". Which makes me wonder what makes Viking offspring fall for the tale of secret migrations from Israel to the New World.
Maybe it's boat love.